DD sir labThis are the solutions of DD sir's assignments.
Method overloadingPassing of an object as a methodCall by valueCall by referenceRecursionPrivate, public, protected access specifierStatic methodStatic variableInheritanceSuperMethod overloadingDynamic method dispatchAbstract classCreate two packages in two classes and use themInterface and use that in classImplement multiple inheritanceDEFAULT exception handlingArithmetic exceptionMultiple catch blockUse of nested tryThrowable from try and catchUse of throwsAdd numbers from 1 to 100 by two threadsHigher priority thread getting more cpu time than lower priority threadProducer consumerDead lockA line of text on screen and all that applet from a wevpage in htmlApplet additionI/o from command and show on screenCopy the content of one tile into anotherGeneric class.